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Franklin Elementary

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210 Taylor Street
Muscatine, IA 52761
Icon Phone
(563) 263-5040
Icon Attendance
(563) 263-5040

Doors open at 7:45am
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Corry Spies, Principal
Sandra Riley, Secretary


all announcements
September 28, 2023 Franklin Elementary

This Weekend: Viva Muscatine!

September 11, 2023 Franklin Elementary

Muscatine Community School District was selected to receive four Mental Health Training Paraeducator Fellowship. 

In the news

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  • Placeholder News Image Home
    Sep 28

    This Weekend: Viva Muscatine!

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  • Placeholder News Image Home
    Sep 11

    Muscatine Community School District was selected to receive four Mental Health Training Paraeducator Fellowship. 

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Pearls of Pride

Click or tap a pearl for a swell of Muskie pride!

Pearl Franklin 1
Pearl Teacher
Pearl Franklin 3
Pearl Language
Pearl Franklin 2
Pearl Franklin 1 Relationships

Franklin School is an environment where students feel safe, respected, and valued. Students feel comfortable taking risks and learning new things. Tea...

Pearl Teacher Rigorous Academic Programming

Our academic program is rigorous and challenging, but it is also relevant and engaging. Students are exposed to a wide range of subjects and are encou...

Pearl Franklin 3 Relationships

Franklin School is an environment where students feel safe, respected, and valued. Students feel comfortable taking risks and learning new things. Tea...

Pearl Language Dual Language Immersion Programming

Our dual language immersion program is a unique and innovative way to teach students in two languages at the same time. The program is designed to hel...

Pearl Franklin 2 Strong focus on Positive Behavior Support

We believe that it is important for students to learn in a positive and supportive environment. PBIS can help to increase academic achievement and red...

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Get to know

Principal Corry Spies

As the Principal of our school, I am proud and thankful to be part of the Franklin Family.  The Franklin Staff is dedicated to promoting a positive learning environment for all students and partnering with your family to establish a strong foundation for your child.   

At Franklin School, a few of our priorities are:

  • Good attendance: School attendance is important.  Students who attend school regularly have more opportunities to learn, are more likely to be engaged in class, and are more likely to receive the support they need from their teachers. Parents and school staff must all work together to encourage students to attend school regularly. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to have positive relationships with their teachers and peers, and are also less likely to skip or drop out of school.
  • Academic excellence: We want all  students to be successful learners, and we are committed to providing the resources and support they need to succeed. We offer rigorous  academic programs in Reading, Math, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). We also work to provide interventions for students who need additional support, and enrichment and extension activities to help make learning fun!
  • Social-emotional health: We know that students who are emotionally healthy are more likely to be successful in school. Our school works together with families, counselors, healthcare providers and other community agencies to provide our students with the tools they need to manage their emotions, build relationships, and make responsible decisions.
  • Character education: We want all students to be positive, productive members of our community.  To help students learn about and from each other, we believe that it is important for them to learn about kindness, respect, and responsibility.  Our staff incorporates lessons regarding these topics throughout the day, from the classroom to the playground.
  • Dual Language Immersion Program: Franklin Elementary is the home of the district’s Dual Language Immersion Program!  This includes bilingual Kindergarten and First Grade.  Second grade will be added for the 2024-2025 school year.

I am confident that this will be a successful year at Franklin Elementary School. With your support, we can help your child(ren) reach their full potential. We look forward to a great year!  Please feel free to contact our school with any questions or concerns.


Yours for great schools,

Corry Spies, Principal, Franklin Elementary School


Como directora de nuestra escuela, estoy orgullosa y agradecida de ser parte de la familia Franklin. El personal de Franklin se dedica a promover un entorno de aprendizaje positivo para todos los estudiantes y a asociarse con su familia para establecer una base sólida para su hijo.

En la Escuela Franklin, algunas de nuestras prioridades son:

  • Buena asistencia: La asistencia a la escuela es importante. Los estudiantes que asisten a la escuela con regularidad tienen más oportunidades de aprender, es más probable que se involucren en clase y es más probable que reciban el apoyo que necesitan de sus maestros. Los padres y el personal de la escuela deben trabajar juntos para alentar a los estudiantes a asistir a la escuela con regularidad. Los estudiantes que asisten a la escuela con regularidad tienen más probabilidades de tener relaciones positivas con sus maestros y compañeros, y también es menos probable que falten o abandonen la escuela.
  • Excelencia académica: queremos que todos los estudiantes aprendan con éxito y nos comprometemos a brindarles los recursos y el apoyo que necesitan para tener éxito. Ofrecemos programas académicos rigurosos en Lectura, Matemáticas y STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Arte y Matemáticas). ¡También trabajamos para proporcionar intervenciones para los estudiantes que necesitan apoyo adicional y actividades de enriquecimiento y extensión para ayudar a que el aprendizaje sea divertido!
    Salud socioemocional: sabemos que los estudiantes emocionalmente saludables tienen más probabilidades de tener éxito en la escuela. Nuestra escuela trabaja junto con familias, consejeros, proveedores de atención médica y otras agencias comunitarias para brindar a nuestros estudiantes las herramientas que necesitan para controlar sus emociones, construir relaciones y tomar decisiones responsables.
  • Educación del carácter: Queremos que todos los estudiantes sean miembros positivos y productivos de nuestra comunidad. Para ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender unos de otros, creemos que es importante que aprendan sobre la bondad, el respeto y la responsabilidad. Nuestro personal incorpora lecciones sobre estos temas a lo largo del día, desde el salón de clases hasta el patio de recreo.
  • Programa de Inmersión en Dos Idiomas: ¡Franklin Elementary es el hogar del Programa de Inmersión en Dos Idiomas del distrito! Esto incluye Kindergarten bilingüe y primer grado. Se agregará segundo grado para el año escolar 2024-2025.


Confío en que este será un año exitoso en la Escuela Primaria Franklin. Con su apoyo, podemos ayudar a su(s) hijo(s) a alcanzar su máximo potencial. ¡Esperamos un gran año! No dude en ponerse en contacto con nuestra escuela si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud.


Suyo para grandes escuelas,

Corry Spies, Director, Escuela Primaria Franklin

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